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Showing posts from November, 2017
Girlishness, 10, turns her dark skin complexion into positivity and confidence A 10-year-old girl suffered bullying over her dark complexion- However, she and her family turned it into a source of positivity and confidence- Her tweets have gone viral as TwitterYoung Kheri Pollard from New York has a dark skin complexion and has suffered bullying for it.Classmates of the 10-year-old fifth gradestudent often made her a target of negative commentary and in one instance, even her own teacher offered her a black crayon to draw herself.However, Kheri and her family chose not to let all that negativity get to them. Theyembraced social media to showcase herbeauty—because she is indeed beautiful in her skin. Kheri Pollard was often taunted for her dark skin With just a couple of tweets with the hashtag #FlexinInHerComplexion, Kheri'ssister Taylor and their family helped her become a viral sensation on social media, especially Twitter.Taylor posted a couple of Kheri's pic